Best Female Writers – The Pulitzer Prize
It is unbelievable that we still need to speak about the existence of female writers. But we are still at this point in our civilization where women’s experiences are not as important as men’s. Unfortunately.
Therefore I am going to explore women in literature through the Pulitzer Prize. I wish that we could destroy toxic patterns about female in literature. Women exist in literature, they are wonderful, and I believe they deserve to be heard.
1. Female Writers: Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell is an American author, the most popular in the Hall of Fame of female writers, who earned a Pulitzer Prize in 1937. We know her thanks to the book “Gone With the Wind”, which she published book in 1936.
Some Interesting Facts About Margaret Mitchell:
- She was born into a wealthy and active family in Georgia.
- Her father was a lawyer, and her mother was a suffragist and Catholic activist. Throughout her childhood, she was surrounded by the story of the American Civil War, which influenced her life and art.
- She made a revolution in literature. Her book became a bestseller, which made her popular around the world. She was the first woman to achieve such popularity and confession.
- She graduated from Atlanta’s Seminary and wanted to go to the university, but when her mother died, she had to return and become a householder.
- Her rebellious character did not leave her any chance to live as an average female at that time. The most famous scandal of those years was a crazy dance at a debutante ball.
- She married twice. The first marriage was not a success; it was full of abuse and violence. But both of them were her close friends. Her second husband was the best man at her first wedding.
- Her second husband was her copy editor and friend throughout her life. He helped her find work after her divorce and was with her when she had to leave work due to arthritis.
- She wrote “Gone With the Wind” for almost 10 years.
- She died in a street accident when a truck struck her as she was crossing the street.
My Notes About Margaret Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell made a revolution in literature by opening a new page in history. She destroyed the stereotype that female authors deserve to be heard all over the world. Her success proved that books by women writers are not just for children and women. They deserve to be published and popular, and there is no difference between men’s and women’s literature.
2. Female Writers: Harper Lee

Harper Lee is one of the most popular female writers in 20th century. She earned a Pulitzer Prize in 1960. Her is the most popular book is “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
Some Interesting Facts About Harper Lee:
- She was born in 1926. Her father was a lawyer, newspaper editor, her mother was a homemaker. Harper Lee’s mother had a problem with mental health, due to this she almost all time was at home.
- Harper Lee known as tomboy in her childhood.
- She wanted to become writer, but at the beginning she had a lot of obstacles. She tried to be lawyer, but left the University. After she worked as ticket agent. But for long years she had dream about write.
- She could leave her hateful work just only her friend Martin Brown agreed to help her with money for 1 year. Thanks to this she could write her first work.
- She was never been married.
- She died in 89 age at home in 2016.
My Notes About Harper Lee
It is classic literature that we need to know. Harper Lee’s style is unique and remarkable, which makes her one of the best writers of the 20th century. I understand that for women 60 years ago, it was unpredictable and difficult to make something popular. But she overcame many obstacles, and even in that difficult time, she made her dream come true. When I read her, I always think that we cannot surrender now. We still have to fight for our equal rights, freedom, and art, that we have never heard again this “Female writers. What are you talking about? I don’t know any female authors”
3.Female Writers: Shirley Ann Grau

Shirley Ann Grau earned a Pulitzer Prize in 1965 for the book “The Keepers of the House”. Her works were more about the South of the USA.
Some Interesting Facts About Shirley Ann Grau:
- She was born in New Orleans, but in 1930, her family moved to Montgomery, where she lived throughouther life.
- She had roots in Germany, Spain, France, and Scotland.
- Shirley went to private school, where she learned Latin and literature. After that, she attended university and earned a bachelor’s degree in English.
- She wanted to gain a doctorate degree but left the university because she found that it was forbidden to work as an assistant in school.
- She was married and had five children.
- Shirley Ann Grau is in the Alabama Hall of Fame.
- She wrote her first book at 25.
- Her book mostly about Black People and live in South.
- She died in 2020. She was 91.
My Notes About Shirley Ann Grau
Shirley Ann is one of the most interesting and unique female writers of the 20th century. Her book “The Keepers of the House” has received many positive reviews; she earned a Pulitzer Prize. And you know what? I did not know about her, and even more, I had to spend a lot of time finding information about her. Small article on Wikipedia, and that’s all. And I was surprised—why? What’s wrong with this world? And after we hear this again: “Women could never write”. “They have a different brain from us, bla-bla”?!
I really want to read this book. I would like to know more about female writers, their books, and their lives. Because literature is about different experiences—about women’s experiences, men’s experiences, etc. Literature is about people all around the world with different genders, skin colors, and traditions. But unfortunately, I need to open the internet and find again and again that female is not a good writer because she is a woman.
4. Female Writers: Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1987 and the Nobel Prize in 1993 for the book “Beloved”. As an American-African woman, she wrote a lot about racism, women, and living in this system.
Some Interesting Facts About Toni Morrison
- Toni Morrison was a pseudonym. She changed her name when she worked at Howard University because her students had trouble pronouncing it. And after marriage, she changed her surname.
- Her mother was a homemaker, and her father was a worker.
- When she was a child, the owner set fire to the house where they lived because they did not have money to pay rent.
- She graduated from Howard University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She also attended Cornell University to earn a Master of Arts.
- She worked as a professor at Howard University.
- Likewise, she had two sons.
- Furthermore, she worked as an editor for textbooks at Random House Publishing.
- Her first novel, “The Bluest Eye,” was published when she was 39 years old.
- Toni Morrison is one of the best-known female writers.
My Notes About Toni Morrison
Toni Morrison is one of the greatest female writers. Her books are sensible and humane. I read about this woman and just think, “Oh my God, she did so much for literature and mankind.”. It was a clearly educated, unbelievable woman who changed this world. From a world where she grew up with racism and hate for her, she created a new world where there is love and compassion.
I admire this woman’s courage, liberty, and love in her heart. Her life, books, and art are all about the world in which we can live. It’s all about a world where it doesn’t matter which gender or skin you have.
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