Favorite Quotes Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas

Separations are emotional deaths that we have to mourn. In breakups, we always lose more than just the person we love. We lose a life, a future, everything that we have dreamed about and hoped for. And while we know whom we have lost, we might not understand what we have lost.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
The next generation’s world is often sexualised in the same way that the victim was sexualised as a child.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
As in Lara’s case, our challenge is to hold all generations in mind – grandmother, mother, and child – as victims of either sexual abuse or the intergenerational inheritance of sexual abuse.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
He described that in mourning the world feels poor and empty, while in melancholia, the person herself feels poor and empty. She loses interest in the outside world, she loses the capacity to love, and her self-esteem is diminished.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
There is no way to grieve what is not considered lived. When love isn’t recognised as such, it is not grievable, and one is left mystified and inconsolable.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
Similarly, paranoid thinking is often understood as the projection of aggression onto other people. Our aggressive impulses make us anxious and we often try to feel better either by overcompensating with kindness or by projecting those feelings onto others. Paranoid thoughts are a result of our aggressive feelings, feelings that we couldn’t tolerate and needed to get rid of by attributing them to another person. The more aggression is disowned and projected onto others, the more frightened we then become of those people.
– Emotional Inheritance by Galit Atlas
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